April 29, 2005

Dulaan and On and On

Here's the group shot of my Dulaan knitting to date.
13 hats, two pairs of socks and one sweater. (I forgot to include the garter stitch scarf.)

I'm off for a weekend in Portland with my knitting friends. This will be the fourth time I've spent a night away from the kids (in seven years) that did not involve a trip to the hospital. Hallelujah!

April 28, 2005

Thursdays are For What the Hell is This?

This has probably happened to you. You are flipping through a knitting magazine. You're looking at new patterns, yarn, ads for new shops, etc. And then you see this.

And the words fall from your lips.

What the hell is this?

Thanks to Molly for scanner assistance!

April 27, 2005

Father-in-Law Update

Thanks so much for all the kind comments and emails. My FIL has bronchitis and is back at his hotel resting.
And on the parenting front, I'm sure they'll be driving me out of my mind for the rest of my life. I'll get used to it eventually.


It's been a wild ride here at Rose-Kim Knits. I'm an emotional wreck right now over some child issues (won't go into it but, you know, being a parent is hard). On top of that we had a very strained and silent dinner last night with the in-laws. They're not staying with us. Thank goodness. My father-in-law was feeling sick and feverish and last night around 10:30 my mother-in-law called to say she wanted to get him to the hospital for antibiotics (she's a doctor). So Wes spent most of the night and early morning at the hospital with them. I spent the night trying to figure out my problem on the Faroese Shawl. I can't find it. My stitch count must be off or something. It needs to be ripped. I can't face it right now. I've turned to even more mindless knitting than yesterday's hat. A garter stitch scarf in super bulky acrylic on size 15s. Never in my life would I think I would knit such a thing.

April 26, 2005

Dull Knits to Ease an Addled Brain

Perhaps I should write a book? I haven't had time to sit, in silence, and figure out what the heck my problem is with my shawl. It seems so simple. But somehow...I don't know.

So I made my tenth Dulaan hat instead. Nothing like boring, mindless stockinette in the round to soothe my frazzled nerves.*

*My in-laws are visiting.

April 25, 2005

Is That Pronounced "Tacky?"

Monica just posted about this beauty from Tahki/Stacy Charles. Well, I had to run right over and see what other gems those Tacky Tahki people had in store.

They have some doozies.

This poor model seems embarrassed to be seen in this get up.

Here's one that says, "I'm a sexy Yeti."

The "Here's where I want lipo" look.

And this one, where to start?

There are plenty of ponchos too.

I could go on. It's a treasure trove of awfulness! Thanks, Monica!

April 24, 2005

Photo Follow Up

I finally pulled out my camera.
Here's the Magic Stripe socks I made. Eh. I'm donating them to the Dulaan Project.

Here's the cast on and first row of Martha in Dale Baby Ull.

And the beginning of a Faroese Shawl.

This is the beginning of a top-down bolero in Cotton Fleece.

And this is some coopworth that I spun and navajo-plied (very badly) a few weeks ago.

I just spent an hour trying to figure out where I have a mistake in row 8 of my shawl. Grrr...

April 23, 2005

Weekend Update

I've worked the sale at the Fiber Gallery for the last two days. I'm working again tomorrow. There's still a lot of good stuff so stop by if you can.

I finished the first five rows of the Faroese shawl. 2100 stitches. Yow. And I just finally cast on for Martha. I will take millions of photos tomorrow. I have all sorts of new yarn and stuff from the sale and my birthday, etc. I must get my hands on the camera.

April 22, 2005

Feeling Lazy

Boy, do I feel lazy today. Am I still logy from my huge birthday dinner at Geneva last night? I am sun sick from the 80° weather? Or am I worn out from casting on 421 stitches last night for a new project?

Yeah, you heard me. 421. Four hundred and twenty one. Stitches. That I cast on. Last night--and I mean all night. Flush with the success of Birch I wanted to start a new lace project. Then I saw that there's a knitalong for A Gathering of Lace. Well, sign me up! Then I spent quite some time at the Knitter's Guild meeting debating with my friend, Rose, over which project to knit, what yarn I could use (had to be from stash--I've also joined the Stashbusters knitalong), etc. I decided on the Faroese Shawl using Knitpicks's Alpaca Cloud in Mist. I have knit half a row today and I'm all worn out.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

April 21, 2005

Thursdays are For What the Hell is This?

A huge step up from those pesky analog row counters. It adds and subtracts. Wow. Beacuse so many knitters can't add or subtract. Unlike chimps or pigeons.

For anyone considering spending the $17.50 on this, I have a propostion. Send the money to me and I'll come and whack you upside your head. Oh, and I'll teach you to add and subtract.

April 20, 2005

Not Really Worth the Wait

Well, Kim Hargreaves finally got her site up and running. After all the waiting and anticipation, I am disappointed. The designs are all pretty blah and they are only available as kits. What do you think?


**Warning: No knitting content. Only funny kid stuff.**

I found this "book" that my almost 7 year old son wrote following his little brother's birthday. I thought it was very funny and wanted to post it. I held off until I saw this on Benedetta's blog last night. I left all the spelling, etc. as I found it.

Things we need more of
Scary Movies
Hot Dogs
Potato Chips
Harry Potter Movies
Trips To Hawaii

Things we can do wthout
Babie Movies
Cranky Little Brothers
Balloon Lagoon
Girl Movies

Things I want
Harry Potter 3 Game
Scooby Doo 2
Harry Potter Lego
Batman Beyond

Things I Don't Want
Blues Clues
Snow White
Beauty and the Beast
Another Crazy Brother

Things That I have and Like
Harry Potter
Wave Race
Spicy Chicken Wings
Hot Dogs
Super Blow Pop

Things That I Have and Don't Like
Beauty and the Beast
Snow White
Little Brother
Winnie the Pooh

Things That Are Good Presents
Baby Movies
Blues Clues
Snow White
Winnie the Pooh

Things That are not Good Presents
Gameboy Color
Blow pop
Garfield comics
Sense of Humor

April 18, 2005


I can't believe it's done. I can hardly breathe I'm so excited. And scared. I keep thinking that I'll wake up in the morning to discover that I didn't actually finish the shawl and that it's just a tangled pile of silky mohair.

Breathe, Jess. Just breathe.

Birch from Rowan 34
Kidsilk Haze in Toffee
US 8 needle
Started February 26, 2005

Thanks Old Navy Chick!

While I was paying for some cheap clothes today at Old Navy, the cashier said, "I love your sweater."
I'm wearing Rogue today and blurted out like a hopped-up schoolgirl, "Thanks! I made it myself."
Old Navy Chick stared at me, goggle-eyed and replied, "You mean, you, like, knit it yourself?"
"Uh huh."
"I am, like, so totally impressed."

I would also like to thank yesterday's Sneak attendee who put on his comment card that I was "hot."

Birch Watch

171 rows, 91.7% done.

April 16, 2005


133 rows, 80.1% done.

April 15, 2005


It's all I can think about. Birchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirch. Have I started Martha? No. Worked on the bolero for the shop? No. Finished my socks? No. Birchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirch.

112 rows complete. 71.6% done. Birchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirchbirch.

April 14, 2005

Thursdays are For What the Hell is This?

Meet Victoria.

From the front she's a dull, though ungainly, tank top.

But from the back...

...she is an unholy jumble of ruffles, ribbons and backlessness*. What the hell is this all about?

*I would like to see this on a live model just to see how low that back goes. *shudder*

April 13, 2005

Social Knitting

Nona had a post today about knitting in public. I knit in public everywhere--the zoo, the mall, the playground, the grocery store--you name it. But I also knit socially. I have a bit of an insane social knitting schedule.

On Monday nights I go to Queen Anne and knit with the Purlygirls. This is a pretty lively group. And it can be pretty big sometimes. On average there are about 15 knitters each week but sometimes we get up to 25. Lately it's been a little smaller, which is nice, because you get a chance to talk to different people.

One Tuesday night a month I have a group that I started. This group is mainly moms that I know through my sons' schools, babysitting coop and friends of friends. This group is intimate and quiet.

On Wednesday nights I go to Seattle Stitch 'n Bitch. I found this group when I went to Debbie Stoller's book signing for the first Stitch 'n Bitch. It used to meet twice a month and now meets weekly. There are over 350 people on the mailing list. But there is only a very small core group of knitters who come pretty regularly then lots of people who come very occasionally. It's a pretty mellow group. We knit, chat and eat really good food.

On Thursday, after work, I knit with a small group of friends I met mainly through the other groups. We have bonded into a very tight little group. We usually get together on the weekends too. We really let our hair down in this group. We bitch and laugh. It's really like therapy for me.

It sounds crazy, doesn't it? But this is not just about knitting. This is the only time I have all day to sit and talk to adults. I spend 12 hours a day with my kids (mostly with my now 5 year old) and a mom needs some grown ups to hang out with. And it helps that the grown ups share my passion for knitting. I have made some very good friends from my knitting groups. And that's saying something. It's hard to make new friends when you're a grown up. So go find yourself some knitters.

April 12, 2005

Manic Monkey Monday

My youngest son had his fifth birthday party yesterday. He wanted to invite all 18 children from his preschool class so I scheduled the party during the week of spring break to try to cut the numbers down. We ended up with six guests. A nice size. My son wanted to have a monkey-themed party because of a photo spread he saw in Martha Stewart Kids. I copied the cake.

His ears a pretty crooked but I think he's cute. My son loved it.

After the party I passed out for a few hours. Wes took the kids shopping for a present for the next party we had to attend in the evening--my best friend's daughter. After that party I went to Purlygirls, having eaten nothing but cake all day. I finished the first Magic Stripes sock last night.

I also finally got a beauty shot of my completed Backyard Leaves.

I feel ready for another nap already.

April 10, 2005

Weekend Report

I had a very fibery day yesterday. I went to the Spin In at Weaving Works from 10-4. I met lots of other spinners. I also got to sit and spin for six hours straight. When it was all done, I didn't feel like I had actually gotten much accomplished. I pretty much filled a jumbo bobbin with Coopworth (?) roving left over from my spinning class. I came home and attempted to Navajo ply it. I don't think I quite have it. Then I knit with friends in the evening from 7-11ish. My back was so stiff by the time I left.

Today I worked at the shop. I finished a lacy tank top for a shop sample. I didn't get any pictures but I'm not too crazy about it anyway... I've also been knitting a sample one skein lace scarf from Lorna's Laces Lion and Lamb. Hot damn! That stuff is nice. It just gets softer and softer and it's so easy to work with. We got some Noro Daria in a new colorway that's really intriguing to me. Maybe I'll finally make a little purse from some of it.

I've completed eight repeats on Birch. Yeah me. I'll be under 200 stitches in no time.

I'm also halfway through the foot on the first sock. Christy asked why I was still knitting it if I didn't like the yarn. I have two answers. 1) I may like it more when it's done and washed. 2) If I don't like it when I'm done, I'm donating them to the Dulaan project. So either way, I'm still knitting them. Plus, I really needed some simple around and around and around knitting.

April 8, 2005


Birch is picking up speed. I've completed my 6th repeat. The rows are still taking nearly 15 minutes to knit. I don't want to say anything more positive than that and jinx myself.

I'm making a pair of socks from Lion Brand Magic Stripes. Eh. The yarn feels cruddy. The colors are blech. I just turned the heel on the first one.

April 7, 2005

Thursdays are For What the Hell is This?

I don't know what this model did to piss off Spiderman but, damn, is she in trouble.
What the hell is this?

April 6, 2005


Backyard Leaves blocking

32 rows of Birch

April 5, 2005

Knitalong News

Hello knitalongers!

Is anybody out there still knitting the Shapely Tank or Tee? I may retire this knitalong from my sidebar. I will keep the blog up though since it has some useful advice on it.

How about Butterfly? Anyone still working on Butterfly? We had a flurry of finished sweaters a while back and then an eerie quiet. Why so quiet?

And lastly Martha. I'm still happily adding names to the Martha knitalong. I may even start mine soon. Marti is making me look bad. She's already finished the back of hers. I just found a blogger destashing her Rowan 37 for a mere $15. Someone had better jump on that bargain.

One Seam and a Bazillion Ends

That's how far I am from finishing Backyard Leaves. I feel like I've had this one hanging around for quite a while. It feels good to finally finish it.

There's also a new project on the sidebar. I'm attempting to write a pattern for a simple short-sleeve top-down bolero for the shop. Wish me luck.

April 3, 2005

Knitting With Scissors

After the steeking success of Retro Prep I find myself stalking my other knitting projects, scissors in hand. I think I will steek my Rosedale. I love the sweater but I often find myself thinking that I had wished I made the cardigan version. I'm also toying with creating a sweater for a steeking class at the shop. How does Kureyon Cut Up Cardigan sound? (Or do I need to spell it all with Ks?) In reality I'll probably just show people how to steek on a little swatch. Yawn. Maybe a doll sweater. We'll see.

Last night, my friend Cass had a game night at her house. We played Cranium which I've never done before and Trivial Pursuit which I haven't played in a decade. I still kick ass at TP. I worked on Backyard Leaves while I was there. I'm halfway through the second half of the scarf. I may actually finish it before next winter. We'll see.

Happy Sunday.

April 1, 2005

Friday FOs

I'm feeling a little bit cruddy tonight and ended up sleeping instead of going to my son's school for a huge all-school potluck and student performance. Bad mommy. I also look far too disheveled to model Retro Prep. So here's the boring laying-on-the-blocking-board shot.

And here's the Dulaan sweater made from acrylic. I haven't' figured out how I want to deal with closures. The pattern call for sewing on snaps and buttons but we all know that's not going to happen.

Thanks to you all for making What the Hell is This? so much fun. I love seeing all of your responses and interpretations.