Darn Baby Dress

I'm having so much fun knitting it I barely got anything else done today. I leave for my 5-day retreat (no classes, just hanging out and knitting) tomorrow morning. I still need to pack. I'm completely unprepared. I hope I don't forget anything really vital but I most likely will.

Just a reminder that there are only a few days left to contribute to the Donors Choose October Challenge. Please give. Even a very small amount will be greatly appreciated. Prizes will be announced when I get back.

Do Over

The Argosy scarf was not working out. The section of the yarn used for the swatch/first section was MUCH thicker than the rest of the yarn. I ripped it out and moved on to the Little Sister's Dress.

Much better.

October 26, 2008

The Start of Startitis

After finishing the baby sweater I started thinking about what else I could knit from my giant bin of handspun. I originally thought I would use this yarn for socks but it occurred to me that it would make a pretty cool Argosy scarf. I tried a few different needle sizes and finally settled on one that I fear might end up being too big. Not sure yet.

I'm also sampling for a weaving project. This is some mystery skein of Blue Moon Fiber Arts something-or-other and perle cotton. I don't have a lot of the mystery yarn so I warped in stripes with the cotton and will only use the cotton for weft. I wanted to do an easy pattern. I started with plain weave. Okay, but boring. I tried twill. Okay, but you can't see the warp. So now I'm doing a warp-faced twill. I like it.

February Baby Sweater

Pattern: Baby Sweater on Two Needles from Knitter's Almanac by Elizabeth Zimmermann
Yarn: Handspun wool/mohair
Needles: US 6 Addi Turbos
Notes: A delight to knit! What else is there to say?

October 25, 2008

Terry Tate is Back, Baby!

Remember Terry Tate, Office Linebacker?

He's been rolled back out to rock the vote.

And set a few things straight.

October 24, 2008

My How Times Have Changed



If you need some cheering up there's always the Superfriends version.

Single Afternoon Scarf

Sorry for the crappy photos.

Pattern: Uptown Scarf from Weekend Knitting
Yarn: Cascade Magnum and Cascade 220, both in color 4008, Ruby
Needles: US35 Crystal Palace Daisy needles
Notes: This is a popular scarf at the shop around the holidays. I thought it would be nice to have a sample. I cast on after noon. I finished before 7 pm. And that was knitting while working. It's just 5 stitches knit in garter. The only problem was that everyone who came in shop would look at me with the gigantic needles and say, "What are you doing?!"

October 23, 2008

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

Oh dear, what's this in the living room?

My goodness! What happened?

Oh yes. It's my Roadkill Carpet. Of course.

October 22, 2008

What Happens When I Dig Into the Stash

Yesterday I went into my office to pull out some yarn for my weaving class. We will be starting a new project on Friday and I am hoping to use stash yarn--maybe handspun--for my class projects. The same thing happened as every other time I start rummaging through my stash. I started pulling out dozens of yarns, thinking about all kinds of projects which got me thinking about other yarn and other projects. Long story short, I started a new sweater.

A February Baby Sweater by Elizabeth Zimmermann in some handspun wool/mohair mystery blend. I cast on just before picking the kids up from school. I could not put it down all night. What a delightful knit. I love a nice simple lace pattern. I was also really glad to knit with wool again. I knit yet another baby hat with my leftover Mission Falls cotton over the weekend.

(No pattern. Just cast on and knit stripes kind of like last week's sweater. Did double decreases for the crown in 4 spots like a raglan.)

I'm sick of cotton. Give me some yarn with a little give please.

Anyway, back to the weaving. We had to do four small samples in Shetland this week and finish them in four different ways.

I had a good chuckle over this photo. Look at all those mistakes! Hilarious. I don't know how weavers keep track of their patterns. Clearly. One sample was steamed, one gently washed by hand, one was thrown in the wash and one was beaten up in boiling and ice cold water for a while. So far I'm enjoying learning about weaving.

I have a bag of yarn to take to class with me on Friday and two bags of handspun sitting on the table. Need to figure out what to knit with it...

October 21, 2008


I just finished nine more blocks on my Blue Star quilt. I was feeling pretty good because I thought I only needed nine more blocks. It looks like I need two more. Back to the cutting board...

October 20, 2008

Now THAT is Creepy

Going into the grocery store last night I passed the pumpkins for sale in these bins.

Creepy, right?

Then I saw this one.

"I'll be back...for a pumpkin."

Interwoven Cables Cap

Pattern: Interwoven Cable Cap by Jennifer Hagan
Yarn: Lamb's Pride Worsted in Oatmeal
Needles: US9 and 10 Addi Turbos
Notes: This is the smallest size. It's a shop model.

October 19, 2008

Leafy Baby Hat

Patttern: Greenleaf Baby Hat by Evelyn Uyemura
Yarn: Mission Falls 1824 Cotton
Needles: US7 and 8 (I don't have size 7 double points)
Notes: Fast, cute and easy! I still have more yarn left!

October 18, 2008

Striped Baby Cardigan

Patttern: Super-Natural Baby Stripes by Fawn Pea
Yarn: Mission Falls 1824 Cotton
Needles: US5,7 and 8
Notes: This is pretty much the same pattern as the Tulip Cardigan. I had to switch up a needle size on the sleeves since my gauge in the round is much tighter than my gauge knitting back and forth. I also altered the colors for the edgings because I was running low on the main color. This is a great little stash busting sweater. These skeins of cotton have been kicking around in my stash for years.

October 17, 2008


I didn't mean to be cryptic in my last post. I found out last night the woman accused of horribly abusing her step-daughter in Carnation, WA was a local knitter. I knew her. I used to see her very often. I've mentioned her on my blog. It has completely sent me reeling to discover that a person I thought of as nice and decent has done something completely monstrous.

October 16, 2008

Turn That Frown Upside Down

After finding out some horrific news tonight I needed some cheering up. Enter Upside Down Dogs! If that doesn't put a smile on your face nothing will.

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

It's an easy week for me. WOW 2008 has wrapped up. And wow Wow is wow.

So hard to narrow down the choices to show you.

There's food.


The ritualized humiliation of this dude.

One thing is for sure. They all look damned uncomfortable.

October 15, 2008

Small Update

I started some socks. It's been a long time since I knit some socks. I'm using the Wasonga yarn I won as a door prize at last year's November knitting retreat.

Evening Stockings for a Young Lady from Knitting Vintage Socks. So far, so good.

I finished knitting the hedgehog last week and felted it along with a Terra Bear I started eons ago. They are both drying on the rack. (There's Isabella behind them watching the neighbor's cat.)

I went to see Ann and Kay last night. I took the worst pictures of them in their wigs.

Forgive me ladies.

Or should I say, "Pardon me."

October 14, 2008

Mason-Dixon Knitting Tonight

Ann and Kay are going to be at the University Bookstore tonight. I'm going. Are you?

Lost in Translation

A few days ago I was in the kitchen with my younger son. He sneezed. I said, "Gesundheit." He sneezed again. Again, I said, "Gesundheit." To which he replied peevishly, "I covered my mouth!"

So for the last eight and a half years every time he's sneezed, and I've said, "Gesundheit," he thought I was scolding him for not covering his mouth!

October 12, 2008

30s Star Quilt

It's not done yet. But I did finish the top and piece the back a few weeks ago.

I haven't been able to take any decent photos lately because I'm never home when the sun is up and it's not rainy or gray. That's why it appears I've suddenly gone mad with crafting. The baby pilot cap was a shop project to use up some of the leftover yarn from the Rivendell sock. The Sophia bag was started in December! And then it sat and sat under a pile of unfinished quilts. Even Peanut, though a very quick project, sat for over a week because I ran out of stuffing. And Pi has been done since September 30th. I just tossed it on the counter and forgot to blog it.

October 11, 2008

Peanut the Second

Pattern: Peanut, the wee elephant from Last-Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts
Fabric: Kona Cotton and Peas and Carrots by American Jane
Notes: Even faster the second time. I traced the pattern on to freezer paper the first time I made it. Now I have the pattern and can just iron it on to fabric and cut. I didn't have any dark felt for the eyes so I used black embroidery floss.

Sophia Carry-All

Pattern: Sophia Carry-All
Fabric: Nigella Collection by Amy Butler
Notes: Yikes. This one is tricky. It's nearly as much work as the Weekender Bag. I have read online that people have added a stiff interfacing to the main panels to give the bag more structure. It's a little slumpy. It's also hugely difficult stitching the bottom corners where the piping from the base the piping from the sides meet. The Weekender bag only has piping around the main panels, not the base. The interior is very floppy and needs to be stitched in place. I also spaced out and forgot to sew the dividing lines on the interior pocket so they are two enormous gaping pockets. But I'm very proud of myself for getting through this without any assistance.

Heartbreakingly Cute Pilot Cap

Pattern: Heartbreakingly Cute Pilot Cap from Mason-Dixon Knitting: Outside the Lines
Yarn: Smooshy Sock in In Vino Veritas
Needles: US3 Addi Turbo
Notes: This hat is teeny! And there are a zillion seams to stitch. But darned cute.

Pi Shawl

Pattern: Pi Shawl by Elizabeth Zimmermann
Yarn: Kimmet Croft Softie Lite
Needle: US6 Addi Turbo Lace
Notes: I just somewhat randomly grabbed patterns from Barbara Walker to insert into the shawl. A very entertaining knit.

October 10, 2008

Friday Night Video

Tomorrow night we are taking the kids to see Weezer. They have never been to a rock concert before and I fear they have no idea what they're in for.

Weezer, in addition to making great music, has had some of the greatest music videos ever. I posted one a while ago.

Buddy Holly (sorry, not embeddable) may just be the greatest music video ever made. The kids don't get it because they don't know Happy Days. But I know it's brilliant.

And Pork and Beans is the ultimate YouTube compilation.


October 9, 2008

Donors Choose Challenge Update

I just got this note from the teacher of the first project we funded.

Dear Jessica,

Thank you so much for your generous donation. Your gift will allow our students to continue improving their knitting skills. They will be so excited to see your gift of yarn and book sets with needles. My students rely on my knitting program to provide them with what they need to complete their projects since they cannot afford yarn stores on their own. It is so amazing that I will be able to share these materials with them soon. You have made a group of knitters very happy today. Thank you.

You may have noticed that there are now many additional fiber arts projects in the challenge since we already fully funded the original project. We have raised $651 so far. We still have until the end of the month. It's not too late to give.

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

Today's feature is the new Ah-Ah-CHOO! Collection. Their tagline is "Coochie-couchie-coo."

"Hee. It tickles."

"Umm, this is getting kind of uncomfortable."

"Okay, seriously. This stuff is all over me. I'm scared to move."

(Through smiling teeth) "Get this fucking this off my head. Right. NOW."

October 8, 2008

Sew Confident

When we were in Portland my younger son announced he wanted to be Indiana Jones for Halloween. I knew we could find the hat and probably the whip at a costume shop (ended up finding it at Jo-Ann's at 50% off). He said he wanted a bag like Indy. "I can make that!" I told him. He wanted a jacket like Indy. In an odd moment of over-confidence I said, "Sure, I can make that!" Uhhh, I can? I've never made a jacket. I've never set-in a sleeve. I've never worked with pleather. I found a Burda pattern (9592)and bought the pleather. The original pattern called for imitation leather with a plush reverse side. I went for straight up cheap pleather. I left off everything non-essential. No pockets, no extra zippers or tabs. I whacked it together using the mantra, "Whatever, it's just a costume." Then came time to set in the sleeves. I was really worried about them. I decided to sew them in by starting at the center top and then working to the center bottom in each direction. Not the usual way to sew in a sleeve but I was worried about attempting to "ease" in pleather. I thought if it didn't fit I could redo the underarm seam on the sleeve to make it all work. But the sleeves went in like a dream! I was pretty amazed.

Not bad, huh?

My one pleather sewing tip is to put wax paper on top of the pleather if you want to top-stitch. Otherwise your needle will just sit in place. Also, pleather smells really bad. Not so much a tip as an observation.

October 7, 2008

Intweave Holiday Gifts Preview

It's up. I'm not seeing any real knock-outs like last year's issue.

October 6, 2008

Pause for Crafting

I feel like I haven't had a moment of breathing time lately. I'm just rushed and running and always behind.

I took a lot of time out for myself this weekend though. I went to an all-day spin-in on Saturday. It was great to spend some time at my wheel. I have nearly finished spinning some merino singles that I started a few months ago. Yesterday I hosted a sewing bee and got loads done on my Blue Star Quilt. You can see all the blocks in my Blue Star Flickr set.I have 19 blocks completed and only need 30 for the quilt. This one is coming along really quickly. I had all my fabric cut and ready to sew which made everything seem very quick and easy.

I am just a few rows away from finishing the first front to my Auburn Camp Shirt! To celebrate I started a new project on big needles.

It the Huggable Hedgehog from Fiber Trends. I promised my son I would make one for him and have been putting it off. How long have I been putting it off? The receipt for the pattern says I bought it on September 30th of 2007! Whoops. Sorry, honey!

I'm off to work then to see the Harlot tonight. Next week Ann and Kay from Mason-Dixon will be in town. What a wonderfully fiber-rich town I live in.

October 4, 2008

October 3, 2008

Donors Choose Challenge

Thank you all so much! I haven't had a chance to send a thank you to everyone who has donated already. After just a few days we are more than halfway to our goal. Please consider making a donation--even a very small one--as every bit helps.

Catching Up

I've had so much to blog this week that there has been no time to blog.

On Tuesday I finished my Pi shawl and blocked it. I just spread it out and smoothed it with my hands.

I think I'm still a little scared of pins after the whole Hemlock Ring disaster. It's dry now but too dark and cloudy for photos.

I also soaked the Hemlock Ring three times to try to get out the vinegar and the rust. I managed to get the vinegar scent out but the edges are still rusty and it snapped back to it's shrunken size and I'm not willing to wrestle with it anymore or to put any pins in it. What a nightmare.

I have two new completed quilt tops that I haven't been able to take pictures of because of the already mentioned gray darkness.

I saw Lucy Neatby at the Knitters Guild on Wednesday. She is always so funny and charming.

I had my second weaving class today. A few people asked about where to rent a loom. This rental is part of the class. Last week we warped. This week we started weaving.

Please ignore the extreme wonkiness. This is perle cotton in a variety of patterns. There are more to finish before my next class.

I've been working on my Auburn Camp Shirt since getting the Pi off the needles. I'm past the armhole on the first front. I'm still sick of it and am trying to decide what to work on next.

I have spinning tonight at the shop and an all-day spin-in at Weaving Works tomorrow. I spent Tuesday night at home and got a lot of spinning done instead of knitting. I just don't think to pull out my wheel when I'm at home. Knitting is just so much easier to drag around the house.

Tonight I'll be posting the next Doubleknit podcast.

Got to run!

October 2, 2008

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

Reader Kat gets me. She sends me links to all sorts of crazy things.

This week it's the latest in men's knitwear.

Because guys are all about sequined twin sets.

And hot pink, animal print twin sets. Guys can not get enough of twin sets.

My little pony. Guys love ponies.

Massive, dimensional ram's heads.

Now that you know what your fellow really wants grab those needles and get knitting! I'm already half-done with my massive ram's head, hot pink, ponied twin set. Wes is going to have the best Christmas ever.