May 31, 2012

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

Do you have lots of knitting time this summer? No, I mean, lots and lots and lots of knitting time. You do? Okay. Do you love Lopi sweaters? No, I mean really, really love Lopi sweaters. Okay.

Now, do you have a horse?

The pattern is available in Lopi 25. Send me your pictures once you're done.

Many thanks to Janet E. for this!

May 28, 2012

Slow and Fast

Here is Cria. Cria is slow.

Here are wrapped bracelets. Wrapped Bracelets are fast.

I took a little break from my glacially-paced crawl through Cria to make a few bracelets last night.

These things take no time and no skill at all. I used hemp cord, Superlon thread, some green Fluorite and blue Amazonite chip beads and two recycled glass buttons. All supplies I had on hand. I used these instructions from Fusion Beads.

Easy, easy, easy! I want to make about a million more of these. You should all expect one from me for a holiday gift this year.

May 24, 2012

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

Sometimes I think that comfort and wearability are not paramount concerns for designers.

What shoes do these go with? Also, OMFG, a snake!

May 17, 2012

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

"Gee," I thought to myself while perusing patterns on Ravlery. "What could this be?"

Did you guess?
It's a rat hammock. Duh.

Better than banana hammock, I guess.

And I was stunned to learn that there is actually a different crocheted rat hammock on Ravelry that predates this new one by four years.

I mean, come on, who hasn't already thought to crochet their own rat hammock?* Really.

* I find the term "rat hammock" completely captivating and am sure I will be walking around all day today saying, "Rat hammock. Rat hammock. Rat hammock." Over and over and over...

May 16, 2012

Destination Yarn!

Tomorrow marks the start of the 2012 LYS Tour. This year's map is smaller with only 21 shops on the tour making it that much more doable. We will also be having special stitch markers that we will be handing out as prizes for the 7th, 14th and 21st shops visited and a special marker for folks when they hit their last shop as well as a pin to hold them all. This is in addition to daily drawings at every shop and the eight gift certificates for our grand prize drawing! Throw in a free pattern (sometimes two, one knit and one crocheted) at every store along the way and a 10% discount on the featured yarn at each shop and you have yourself an amazing yarn event. Don't miss it!

May 15, 2012

Faye Hat

Pattern: Faye Hat by Milja Uimonen
Yarn: Rowan All Seasons Cotton
Needles: US6 and 8 Addi Lace Clicks
Notes: I wanted to make a quick gift for a friend and this hat immediately caught my eye with it's branched motif. The ribbing is shaped with short rows to push the slouch to the back which I think is a very clever detail. The pattern calls for the same needle (US8) throughout but I used a needle US6 for the ribbing.

May 11, 2012

Roll Call!

Okay, I've been knitting. I swear. Here is the proof.

  1. Cria.

    I'm knitting this in Blue Moon Fiber Arts BFL Sport in "True Blood" Red. I have screwed up in the increases on the sleeves several times. Last night I spent a good chunk of time ripping and fudging to get the numbers right again.

  2. Effervesce.

    I knit the cuff on this first sock when I wanted something mindless to knit. Now I'm at the charted section and have only knit the first round.

  3. Large Lace Collar Tam and Scarf.

    I'm knitting this for the Seattle Knitters Guild Bohus knitalong. It took me days to knit the ribbing on 0s. Now I'm into the chart. The last round I knit was in three colors with knits and purls and increases. Exhausting.

  4. Narwhals.

    The first one is knit minus the thumb. The second cuff is knit and now I need to get back to the chart.

  5. Hats, hats, hats.

    More plain and helix hats in scrap yarn.

So there's your proof that I still knit. Or at least I cast on and do the edging and then let the project sit because it requires concentration. But still.

May 10, 2012

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

I admit it. I'm a fuddy-duddy. I'm a traditionalist. I'm old fashioned. I believe a wedding dress shouldn't be too sexy.

Or entirely see-through.

May 3, 2012

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

My friends, I am sad to tell you that I think boobs on beverages is becoming a trend. We've seen boobs on beer, boobs on tea and now this.

Boobs on champagne. Is no beverage safe? By this time next week I expect to see boobs on eggnog, boobs on flavored vodka and boobs on Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucinos.*

*This actually exists.

May 1, 2012

Hat Knitting Continues Apace

I have one thumbless Narwhal Mitten knit. I have a tiny section of Cria's shoulders knit. I have the ribbing for one Effervesce. But I'm knitting tons and tons of hats. I just keep grabbing any random bit of yarn within arm's length, casting on and knitting. It's not interesting for blogging at all but it's very soothing to me who is in the middle of Birthday Month* crossed with Anniversary Sale times LYS Tour. Reading patterns--and following them correctly--is more than my frazzled brain can handle right now.

Now I will go knit one of the three hats I have the needles currently...

Younger Son: April 10
Me: April 21
Wes: May 4
Older Son: May 16

April Makeup Favorites (with Dogs)

Products mentioned
Sonia Kashuk Blending Sponge
Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage SC-1
YSL Glossy Stain in #5 and #11
Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow in Flatter Me
Illamasqua Cream Blusher in Laid
Revlon Lip Butter in Raspberry Pie
Zoya Megan
Revlon Colorstay nail polish in Rich Raspberry
Kate Spade Portola Valley Quinn

People mentioned

Shabby Apple Dress Winner

Congratulations to Brooke T. She is the winner of this giveaway. Thanks to everyone who entered. Better luck next time!