October 30, 2013

And I'm Off

I'm heading to Port Townsend for my annual knitting retreat first thing tomorrow. There won't be a Thursday post this week so sorry for that. I've finished up a few more charity knits plus a really cute little something. I'll share photos and updates when I get home. Have a great weekend!

October 26, 2013

Charity Knits

I've had the urge to knock out a few quick projects lately. I did a little stashdiving and first came out with some Rowan Yorkshire Tweed Chunky that I bought at the Fort Worden stash sale last year. I did a little Ravelry searching and choose to use Cirilia's Columbia Cowl as inspiration.

Needle: US15
Notes: I cast on 65 stitches and did K2, P2 ribbing around and around and around. This was my "knitting while walking project." It worked well because the pattern is offset by one stitch on each round due to casting on an odd number of stitches. So my mantra while I walked and knitted was "different, same, different same." Meaning when I would knit two, purl two over purl, knit two, purl from the previous round so my first knit would be above a purl (different) and my second knit would be above a knit (same). It's silly but it kept me on track with my pattern and kept my walking pace up too!

Then I grabbed a bunch of worsted scraps and made yet another helix stripe hat.

Needles: US5 and US7
Yarns: Dream in Color Classy, Rowan Kid Classic, Dale Hauk and Heilo and whatever else I found that was around the same size.
Notes: I love these. I've knit a zillion and I could keep knitting them forever. They just satisfy my stashbusting soul like no other project.

And lastly another hat.

Pattern: Cranberry Sauce by Brittany Tyler
Yarn: Rowan Cork (I got this as a membership gift in 2004!)
Needle: US9
Notes: My yarn was a bit smaller than the original yarn in the pattern but I didn't care since it's for charity. It came out to a child size or small adult. Nice little pattern.

October 24, 2013

Thursday Is for What the Hell Is This?

Did someone call the Puffy Floral Spaceman?

Here's here to save you from fashion that makes sense or seems reasonable.

He's joined by his partner, Mardi Gras Float Man.

And their trusty sidekick, Gaudy Picnic Blanket Boy.

Fashion Avengers unite!

October 21, 2013

Knitting on TV

I was staying up way too late last weekend watching Prime Suspect (season 2). A moment passed that I simply had to capture to share with you.

I hope none of you feel this way about your knitting.

October 17, 2013

October 11, 2013

Thursday Is for What the Hell Is This?

Okay, guys. I have a really good excuse for why I'm late this week. Instead of blogging last night I was knitting. I'm *this close* to finishing my Rorschach. 

Sometimes the tail tells the tale. This is not a happy dog.

In fact, I imagine this dog is frequently unhappy.

The dog's body language in this shot actually says, "What the hell is this?"


Thanks to Janet E. who keeps sending me the most amazing things!

October 3, 2013

Thursday Is for What the Hell Is This?

Fashion is always turning things on its head. For instance you've probably heard mullet hairdos described before as "business in the front, party in the back." In this case the short hair in the front of a mullet is the business side while the long, flowing locks in the back represent the party.

Now let me rock your world.

Business in the front...

Party in the back.

Did I blow your mind? You're welcome.