August 20, 2015

Thursday Is for What the Hell Is This?

Hat tip to my friend Cara who simultaneously reminded me I had not yet created my Thursday post while handing it to me on a silver platter.
You know how Facebook tells you what your friends "like" but it's always oddly suspicious because they suggest things that don't at all strike you as something that person would like? Cara got this little nugget today.

She wisely thought, "This does not, in face, seem like a style Jessica would like." Because, yeah, overalls? No. Distressed overalls? Definitely no. Distressed "skinny" overalls? Resounding no. Paired with stiletto heels? HELL TO THE NO! 

"Practical one-piece posh," my ass.

August 18, 2015

Sock Blank Socks


Yarn: Knitpicks Sock Blank dyed last summer by me
Needle: US1 Addi Turbo
Notes: The sock blank is a machine-knit rectangle with two strands of yarn held together so I had to knit these two at a time. I love the way my colors came out but I don't think this yarn is going to hold up very well. I just winged the pattern, a pair of plain vanilla socks.

August 16, 2015

Oh, Look, It's Me!

I was catching up on my blog reading just now and saw a profile on me and my Seattle Knitters Guild Anniversary hat on Berroco's blog. I knew it was coming up but I forgot the exact date. For the record, I do not think of myself as a designer. That was very kind of them.

August 13, 2015

Thursday Is for What the Hell Is This?

"Why shell out for expensive hair extensions when you can DIY?" Shelby said.

Shelby's friends sighed deeply and sat her down for a long talk.

August 11, 2015




Pattern: Cameo by Paulina Popiolek
Yarn: Sanguine Gryphon Skinny Bugga! in Autumn Tiger Beetle and Common Emerald Moth
Needle: US5 Addi Turbo
Notes: This shawl is completely easy mindless knitting with what feels like miles of garter stitch. I think I need to take a break from garter stripe shawls for a while!

August 10, 2015

August 6, 2015