February 29, 2004

"For ever panting, and for ever young"

Anyone know my title quote? Your high school English teacher's may be disappointed.

I'm panting!

And seaming!

I've started my No Sweat Pants. Man, these go fast. I cast on last night and did most of this while fast forwarding through the Oscars. My color is Ranch. Yeehaw!

I finally crawled my through the button band and now I'm sewing up the side seams on the Baby Knits Cardi. Such tiny stitches, so slow, falling asleep...zzzzzz.

I also bought the zipper for Elle today. I will need to drag out the sewing machine to get it all put together. I am a super-sucky seamstress so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Like all of you, I'm sure, I went to check out Magknits this morning. Congrats to Kerrie, et al for getting it off the ground. I don't want to be one of those people who trashes the hard work of others but I do have a little quibble with it so far. The design is just blah. It's clunky and it detracts from the quality of the work. Hopefully they can snazz things up a bit for the next edition. I will definitely be making one of the darling Sophie bags because, in case you didn't notice yet, I'm a bag addict. (I would be a shoe ho but I have super-wide flipper feet and can't ever find cute shoes to fit so I funnel my frustration into handbags. I worked for Coach for three and a half years before I had my kids.) Java a Go Go by Mariko is adorable. I will have to do a little stash diving and find something that will work well for that. Love these Poppies too but the photo is so out of focus it makes me seasick.

I'm an insanely ardent film fanatic (who seems to have a knack for alliteration). I watch the Oscars each year, usually in disgust. This year there wasn't a surprise in the lot. I knew Sean Penn would win but I really hoped that Bill Murray would win anyway. I was disappointed that City of God did not win for cinematography since it was the only award that it didn't go against ROTK for. Oh well. If you haven't seen City of God, please do. It's stunning and harrowing and will just knock you on your ass. We saw Mystic River last night. We really wanted to like it but just didn't. Neither of us connected at all the characters. I thought most of the performances were strong--especially Tim Robbins, Marcia Gay Harden and Penn--but overall the film did not grab me. It was pretty obvious from the applause that Sean Penn did not just this award for Mystic River but for his last 20 years of work. I, personally, thought his work in 21 Grams was a lot more complex and layered (though I was pretty lukewarm about that film as a whole). I could go on like this for days. I will spare you.