December 8, 2014

Landscape Cowl


Pattern: Landscape Cowl by Cecily Glowik Macdonald
Yarn: Everything! I'll explain below.
Needles: US8
Notes: The day this pattern went up on Ravelry I bought and cast on. That never happens. But when I saw it I knew I wanted to use all my sport and DK scraps and make a "magic ball" and knit it with that. I took all my scraps--even the shortest lengths of yarn--and tied them end to end and wound them in a ball. At some points I felt like a single yarn had gone on too long so I would break it then join it in later,
I made a few unintentional changes to the pattern. In the first lace repeat I only did one pattern row before jumping back to the garter stitch. I didn’t want to take it all out so I forged on. I also just the final garter section short because I didn’t have enough yarn.

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