June 24, 2016

Blue Moon Dye Day

A few weeks ago I went to Scapoose (I LOVE saying that name), Oregon, for the Blue Moon Fiber Arts annual dye day and barn sale.
I haven't seen Tina in ages so the first order of business was a huge, long hug. Next it was selecting yarn and fiber to dye. There big bins along the wall so you can see everything that is available. You fill out an order form and the Blue Moon folks pull the yarn and fiber and get it soaking for you.


While it soaks, you can shop.


Then you dye. It's all about hand-painting.


Here is Tina giving Trish a little guidance.


I dyed two skeins of De-Vine. The color is much richer and deeper than I managed to capture.


I also dyed a skein of Tigger Targhee. Unfortunately on this one the dye hadn't set completely so it lightened a lot when I went to rinse it.


This yak/silk fiber is my favorite though.


And I had to pick up a few skeins dyed by the master herself.


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