A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

March 29, 2011

Change of Plans

With Aidez done, I'm focused on finishing Taygete. Thank you all for the nice comments on Aidez. I showed it to my knitting group and they all thought it looks good on me. So maybe it's not a total FAIL. Anyway, I was hoping to finish Taygete by the end of the month so it could be my March FO for the Sock Stash Knitdown. I think having a goal is motivating. I'm on the edging. I might make it.

I got sidetracked on Sunday night when I found my Sheldon at the bottom of my WIP basket. I started him in December of 2009! His body and head were done and one leg. I've knit all of his other pieces and now I need to stuff him and sew him up.

But then last night I got completely distracted because I realized that my stash of Rowan Yorkshire Tweed Aran, that I bought at a stash sale a few years ago and hoped to make an Elizabeth Zimmermann aran sweater with, would make the perfect background for a Mitered Crosses blanket. That got me rummaging through the stash for odd skeins of Noro to use for the crosses. But then I spotted some handspun that was a bit Noro-esque and thought maybe I should use only handspun for the crosses. Flash forward 20 minutes and I was furiously digging through all my handspun, pulling potential yarns for the project. Fast forward another 20 minutes and I was furiously pulling out all my odd little bits of singles still on storage bobbins. Fast forward another 20 minutes and Wes was getting a little annoyed, wondering when I would be done so we could watch Castle.

So now I am all fired up to knit the blanket. And also more excited to knit the EZ aran using a different yarn. The Yorkshire Tweed was a great yarn for it but the color--oatmeal--was just too blah and uninspiring.

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