A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

March 8, 2004

Double Vision

You're not seeing double. After completing the front and back of the first leg of the sweats and spending a lot of time worrying that I was making them the same length, I decided to knit the front and back of the second leg simultaneously. It's going quickly and I've managed not to get too confused. I think I will do this for all sleeves (and possibly socks) from now on. It will help prevent Second Sleeve (or Sock) Syndrome.

I decided to join Alison's . I will cast on for two spring projects, most likely the Shapely Tank and a Bottoms Up! BOC in Mission Falls Cotton, by March 15. That should give me more than enough time to finish my No-Sweats and make some real headway on the GE Cardi.