I finished Carnaby over a week ago but haven't taken any photos yet. I can't decide how to "style" it yet. I bought tights in two colors. I don't feel like I have the right shoes/boots for it. There's nothing to be done for the footwear though. I have really wide feet and zero tolerance for shoes that are not completely comfortable which makes finding shoes that I like nearly impossible. In the meantime I've been knitting a Rib and Cable sock by Nancy Bush, a slouchy, faux-cabled hat, some handwarmers and my Cornflower shawl.
Wes is out singing in a concert tonight and I was making oven barbecued ribs for dinner for the kids and me. In the midst of my whisking around the kitchen I dropped, no, not dropped,
flung, a glass dish of tomato sauce across one quarter of the kitchen. Amazingly the glass dish did not break but a large section of the kitchen was dripping in tomato sauce. I stood there for a moment and thought, "Should I take a picture of this before I clean it up?" But before I could make a decision the dogs swooped in to assist with clean up. I'm sure dried patches of tomato will be discovered for decades to come.