I'm a day late with the photos but the mail just kept rolling in.
First Lisa and the pups sent me this fabulous Regia sock yarn in a berry-ish colorway.

Thanks, guys!
Then my secret pal sent me all this.

A stuffed lamb weighed down with enough chocolate to sink a ship.
Godiva chocolate. Guess I picked the wrong week to recommit to Weight Watchers...
Thanks Pal!
Then some spinning fiber I got off of eBay showed up.

If you happen to hear me say anything about shopping for spinning fiber, looking at spinning fiber or anything that might lead to my buying more spinning fiber, please, knock me down and take my wallet. I now have more than I can possibly spin in the next year or so.
And then at work today I picked out my yarn for the Martha-along. Dale Baby Ull. In a fuschia-berry shade which I did not capture well in this photo.

And for something that's not pink, today I got myself a little magnet board to hold my patterns. I'm using it for Backyard Leaves and it rocks. Look how much I got done tonight.

Lastly, yesterday I cranked out hat #8 and #9 for the Dulaan project.

I still haven't killed off that skein of Homespun.