I got a package in the mail on Monday and then another yesterday. Here's the haul. There's Rowan All Seasons Cotton in Mellow which I'm using for afghan squares from Debbie Abrahams's book.

I'm also using it to make Lottie. I ran into my office and started swatching right away. I didn't even eat lunch. I think it will be great and the gauge is spot on. This bundle of goodies came from Elann. I ordered it on Sunday afternoon and here it is! Amazing. I got a bunch of Sock It To Me Esprit.

I'll pick a color and use it for Broadripple. I just joined the knitalong. There are over 200 people signed up for this knitalong. I wanted to start swatching the Esprit too but I didn't have any size 3 dpns. I emailed my neighbor Megan to see if she had any I could borrow. Not only did she have them but she walked them over to my house! How's that for service? I'm also going to borrow a pair of size 3 circulars (Addis!) from another knitting friend and see if I like knitting socks on two circs.
I also got Bandolino in Rose which I want to use to make Sam. I started swatching that too. This yarn is okay. It's very inelastic which I suppose is typical for cotton. I don't think my needles are right for it. I think metal may work better for it. I will have to experiment.
I tried to set up a blog for the Shapely Tank Knitalong. Freakin' Blogger keeps giving me the same ftp error message. Wes and I Googled the error message and found dozens of entries in several languages with the same complaint. So I set it up at Blogspot but now when I tried to add a new member it gave her an error message. Sigh. I thought about switching to Movable Type but I can't make heads or tails of it. I challenged (maybe ordered?) Wes to figure it out last night and he couldn't.
I'm more than halfway up the back of my Shapely Tank. The back is looking quite beautiful, if I do say so myself. The front is looking pretty rough after being reworked so many times. But the back is great. Third (or fourth) time's the charm, I guess. I won't make any predictions about how soon it will be done since that seems to be the kiss of death for me. But I do hope to start Lottie soon.

Jessica, I'm waiting for you.