I was reading Mariko's blog last night and was inspired by her post about making green tea ice cream. I happen to have a fridge full of cream (a whole quart) and a husband who loves ice cream. So the boys and I made Daddy some "special birthday ice cream." It was so easy to make and Wes really liked it.
I have been knitting away on Lola. I have finished the body/sleeves and am two inches into the four and a half inches of ribbing that go up and down the front bands.
I spent much of the day yesterday at the zoo with my younger son. For four hours I followed him around as he explored then doubled back, around and around again. I spent much of it knitting while strolling. I worked on the sleeves for the GE Cardi. I have them both on the needles at once. I managed to knit several inches of sleeve and only screwed up the decreases once. But since I'm knitting them together they both have the same screw up and I can live with that. And by the way, you know what's cute? Baby sloth bears!
Wes had a meeting scheduled last night so I was sad I couldn't join the Purlygirls for a night of knitting. Then at the last minute his meeting got canceled so I had a great evening of knitting and somewhat outrageous conversation. Sure beats a night home with the kids.