"Keeping the armhole edge straight, cont decreasing and increasing to travel ribs as set on next 10 right side rows."Now hold up there, Missy. You've held my hand this far. Don't bag out on me now.
I did what I thought Ms. Bliss was indicated and ended up with something that resembles the sweater in the book. But it's not pretty. It's not neat. I reworked sections over and over. I laddered down and worked them again. Finally, I finished the front. I laid it out and it looked so awful that I whipped the needle out of my work and was about to start ripping it when I realized I was looking at the wrong side. So I flipped it back over. Oh, that's better. But still kind of blechy.

Then I did all the finishing on the Fiesta Tea Set. It's blocking right now. Only I just noticed that I didn't make a handle for the tea pot. D'oh!