Today I took my six year old son to see Lane Smith and Jon Sciezska. They were doing a talk and book signing for their new book, Science Verse. We got to the store right when the authors were walking in. My son wanted to get the first Time Warp Trio book and we went over to get it and he introduced himself. Lane and Jon were as silly, funny and over the heads of the children as one would expect them to be from their books. They read from their books and also shared fan letters. My favorite was the one from a boy writing to Lane Smith about James and the Giant Peach. Lane did the conceptual work for the film and has illustrated a new edition of the book. The child wrote, "Dear Mr. Smith, James and the Giant Peach is my favorite book...I wanted to write to Roald Dahl but my teacher told me he was dead." There was also, "Dear Mr. Smith and Mr. Scieszka, I love your books. They are so funny they make me tinkle." Lane also shared a fan letter to an actor also named Lane Smith that he recieved.
My son got his book signed by them both and then we got a snack. We saw Lane and Jon, as my son had begun to refer to them, by the photo booth. I remembered that I had my (non-digital) camera in my purse. We went over and my son asked them if we could take a picture of them all together. They were really nice and even did a few silly poses with him. All in all, I think I was more excited than my son to see them. I've been loving all of their work (together and individually) since I first read The Frog Prince Continued in 1991.
Knitting Content: I started the first sleeve of Rogue during their talk.