I had my voice again when I woke up yesterday but I talked it away. And now it's gone. You see, this is the second week of the month. That means Purlygirls on Monday, my own knitting group on Tuesday, Seattle Stitch 'n Bitch on Wednesday and work then after-work knitting on Thursday. When Wes heard that I lost my voice he said, "Too many knitting groups?" Well, maybe. But I can't bear to give any of them up. The only thing I like more than knitting these days is knitting with a bunch of fun, friendly people while drinking coffee and eating baked goods. (Speaking of, one of the women who worked at the bakery gave me a free chocolate and coffee refill because she said I brought them so much business.) I also had a bonus knitting session in the afternoon while both kids were at school. I met up with another mom at the Tea House.
I am almost done with one sleeve of Rogue.
This sleeve was so boring to knit after the cable ended. The only thing propelling me forward is the desire to knit the cables on the other sleeve. And to put the whole thing together and wear it everywhere.
I also worked on the Fluted Banister sock, mostly while walking around the zoo yesterday. I'm right in the middle of picking up stitches along the heel flap.