A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

October 3, 2004


October is turning out to be a really stressful month for me. Wes's work contract ended on Friday so he's now officially unemployed. I'm trying to pick up extra hours at work and not freak out. This weekend is also the Northwest Asian-American Film Festival which Wes directs. He's been gone all day and all night since Thursday. I'm still trying to get my bearings after being away all last week. I'm feeling awfully stressed.

I did find some time for some soothing knitting yesterday. I babysat a six-month old boy for a few hours. Oh, how I love that age. He was so sweet and snuggly. My boys ran around like little savages in the backyard while the baby and I chatted indoors. I didn't even mind the massively poopy diaper I had to change. He sat on the floor surrounded by pillows with a shaker toy in each hand while I sipped tea and worked on Psychedelic squares. (I've completed eight. Only ninety-two left to make.)

Later I worked on the hood for Rogue while watching George Washington. It's beautifully shot but very slowly paced. I made decent progress on the hood. I'm 25 rows into it. I have a semi-reasonable picture of it but I'm having a problem with my server right now.

The lunchbag body is complete and I've just cast on for one of the straps. Pictures soon.