I've been steadily working on the Fluted Banister sock.

I started to feel guilty about Paula. Remember how I was so in love with her? She was the my special girl. Then Rogue came along and I tossed Paula aside like a (...searching for a great simile here and coming up with squat) broken toy. I needed some mindless knitting to do while I read the blogs this afternoon. My needles for the Psychedelic Squares was way upstairs and I was feeling too lazy to even get out of my chair let alone climb a flight of stairs. I swiveled my chair toward the bin with all my

Once I was in the spirit of redeeming lost projects, I pulled out Birch. I limped to the end of row 5 at last. But I had an extra stitch. Darn it all! I'm hoping I can fudge it and have it not be noticeable. The thought of frogging it right now makes me very sad.

I stopped by Weaving Works to get some roving before going to the Knitting Guild tonight. I bought a drop spindle a few months ago and haven't touched it. I need something else to work on right now like a hole in the head. I also peeked at Debbie Bliss's new Book Seven. I may be tempted to knit a few things from it using Manos del Uruguay instead of Debbie's new Maya or Soho yarns.
At the guild meeting I ripped my Butterfly sleeve back to a few inches before the start of the increases. My plan is to cut two inches out of the stockinette portion before the shaping then do increases every 6 instead of 8 rows. That should make the sleeves 4 inches shorter. Taking them from an absurd 28 inches to a more manageable 24. Or I may hold off on the cap shaping until I knit the rest of the sweater and can better understand the sleeves and how they work with the sweater.
After guild I went to Third Place Books to knit and chat with Rebecca. She said she was coming as we were leaving guild but she never got there. I had a horrible fear that she went to the other Third Place Books, and it turns out she did. I felt slightly like a loser sitting there looking hopefully at the door. I hope she didn't have an analogous experience in Lake Forest Park.
A thought has been nagging me for a week or so now.
"I want to knit Latvian mittens," the thought says.
"What?" I say. "Why?"
Well, Ryan knew right away. It's Stephanie's fault! So I grabbed a few useful books from the knitting guild library to start reading up on the subject.

This is a terrible idea right now since I already have that vaguely panicky feeling I get when I have a lot of projects going and I want to tackle them all at once. It's that same anxious feeling you get when you a have a newborn and keep thinking you left the baby in the carseat on the roof of the car. That can't be a good sign.