Just a reminder of what I'm doing over here
I've been stuck at home for the last two days with a sick four year old. That may account for my somewhat strident tone yesterday. But stuck at home is good knittin' time. I knit the entire right front to Paula yesterday. I even did the three-needle bind off to the shoulder before bed. This morning I cast on the 282 stitches for the shawl collar. You knit one row of k2, p2 ribbing then cast off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 20 rows. Do some more knitting, bind off and sew the collar on to the sweater. Normally, I'm completely against sewing. But casting on 282 stitches, while it did take what felt like several hours, is preferable in my mind to trying to evenly pick up 282 stitches around the front of the sweater. Pick your poison. I'm about halfway through the collar now.
Bloglines seemed very quiet today so I toured the Knitting Bloggers webring for a while until I hit a dead end (which I took as a sign). I found Curlie Girl which features the most adorable needle felted bears and even a dragon. Keep scrolling down there are several bears and they are truly charming and incredibly well-executed.
I also discovered a knitting store that bears my name. I don't know what the store is like but the website is gorgeous!