A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

January 28, 2005

Knitting with Whine

The knitting:
After working on the Flower Basket Shawl for a few hours I started composing a blog entry in my head. It involved lots of references to Mrs. Weasley in Harry Potter and her bewitched needles that knit by themselves. The pattern was just growing and growing so effortlessly. Then I tried to watch TV while I knit it. Not a great idea.* I started misplacing yarn overs and generally having a bad time of it. I went to bed (really late). Last night I picked it up again and tried to find my mistakes and knit it while talking to friends. I knit about two rows. Ripped back. Gave up. Today I tried again at a playdate with many, many children, lots of parents and after a night of even less sleep.** Gave up. Tonight I sat down to watch The Wire which I just got from Netflix. Before I actually turned it on I found my mistake and got knitting again. Not bad for about one day's knitting.

The whine:
I turned on my movie. Then I realized that I had received the second season of the show instead of the first. I don't know who anyone is, what they are saying or why. Damn. But I'm so freaking exhausted right now I can hardly see straight. If I had any sense I'd go to sleep right now. And I just found out that Wes will be gone another day longer than I previously thought. That just about pushed me over the edge. Maybe with a little rest and a shower I'll have enough energy to face the day tomorrow.

*Another knitalong participant had a nearly identical experience knitting this pattern. Knitting away happily then whammo! All gone to pot.

**I went to bed absurdly late last night (2 am). At 5 am I realized that for the second night in a row the Tooth Fairy (me) forgot to give my six year a dollar for his most recently lost tooth. I got up, had to rummage around and find a dollar in loose change in my bedroom and slip it under his pillow. Of course, I woke him up. He asked if it was time for school already. I told him no, that I was just checking to see if the Tooth Fairy came and that he should go back to sleep. In his half-asleep state he pointed out that he *was* asleep until I came to wake him up. So I slunk back off to bed for another three hours of sleep.