Wes was out of town for few days this week. Normally on Thursday nights I meet with a group of friends at a bakery to knit. Since I begged a friend/neighbor/fellow mom to sit for the boys while I was at work I didn't feel right asking her to stay for another two hours so I could go hang out. So in an inversion of the old adage, if Mohammed can't go to the knitting group, have the group come over to Mohammed's house. Seven of my best knitting buddies came over after I got home from work and knit with me. It was Molly's birthday on Friday so we had some goodies for her.
Marti was there too. Which was good for a few reasons. The first is that we love Marti. The second is that my boss loaned me her Lendrum single treadle folding spinning wheel(!) and Marti helped me set it up.
It was funny having everyone at my house. Even though I see them every week and we know each other so well we don't really see that much of each other's lives. We rarely meet each other's families, see each other's homes. I was so excited to have everyone over. I let the boys stay up a little late so they could come down and meet everybody. My four year old wanted to wish Molly a happy birthday too. We had a late night of knitting, chocolate and fun. I really enjoyed it.
I started my Retro Prep sweater too.