So much to blog about today.
Saturday: After I left my class on Saturday I had to run a few errands. I was near Weaving Works and stopped in to scope out their spinning wheels. You see, on Friday, in the middle of my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day I was inspecting my new wheel a bit and realized I could not find any marking on it that identified it as an Ashford wheel. I wasn't too upset because, Ashford or not, it's a nice wheel that I got for a very good price. But I was worried that I wouldn't be able to put a standard or lace flyer on it (since I've only got a Jumbo right now). I went online and researched and found my treadle rail length and orifice height are the same as an Ashford.
So on Saturday I walked into Weaving Works and there were hardly any wheels there. Then I remembered that there was a spinning class that day. While I was sniffing around the Ashford Traditional on the sales floor and realizing that my wheel looked different in a lot of ways, I saw a familiar looking woman standing next to me. It was Heather. She and Laura were taking the spinning class. So I went upstairs and said hi to Laura. That's where I saw a woman working on an older Ashford Traditional that looks exactly like mine. Big sigh of relief. I bought myself the maintenance kit and went home to oil up my wheel.
I also decided to take Marti's advice from Friday. I called some of my dearest knitting friends and managed to wrangle five of them into meeting me on Saturday night for a little knit therapy. We knit, we laughed. Just lovely. I worked on my sock from class and got the first few inches done. When I got home I pulled out my Flower Basket Shawl. I had run into a problem the last time I worked on it and hadn't figured it out yet. After an hour of tinking, knitting, counting and swearing I took a very bold step. I pulled the whole thing off the needles. I pulled out several rows of knitting and got the whole mess back on the needles. I worked on the next row and made sure I had all the stitches I need. Then I went to bed--at 1:30.
On Sunday was Sneak. We showed a very sweet, lively film called Divan by a very sweet, lively filmmaker named Pearl Gluck. I got to take Pearl out to a delicious dinner on Saturday with Wes and to an equally delicious brunch on Sunday while the film was running. Then we had a Q & A with her that went very well.
I worked a little more on Broadripple yesterday and on the shawl. I weighed my shawl yarn last night. I think I have enough to do one more repeat and the edging. If I don't, I will be pissed.
Sorry for the lack of photos lately. Getting the camera to talk to Wes's computer requires a whole voodoo ritual that I don't quite have down yet. I usually wait for Wes to come home and make him do it.