I meant to bring my camera to work with me today. I wanted to show you all the cool stuff I've been making for the shop. But I forgot.
Stephanie blogged about the black hole of knitting while working on Birch. For some reason I felt I was better able to express myself in her comments than on my own blog. So I'll just paste in what I wrote there here. "Sadly my project doesn't have Birch's seductive quality of getting smaller and smaller as I work. Instead I am knitting a lumbering rectangle. A mass of never-ending sameness. I will never get out." Truly, the Making Waves shawl continues to taunt me by not getting any larger despite hours and hours of knitting. Fortunately I will run out of yarn soon. Then it will end.
Not much else to report tonight. I knit the heel flap on my first Sockapal2za sock then ripped it out because I forgot to use the reinforcing thread. D'oh!