Yesterday I had had enough. The house was a falling down disaster. There was yarn, toys and bits of paper in great tilting towers on every horizontal surface. There was a repairman coming to fix the lock on one of our doors and I was embarrassed that he, a total stranger, would see the squalid conditions in which we were living. The boys were at camp for three hours--the last camp they would have for weeks. I had a small opening and I got cracking. I managed to tackle most of the first floor. I vacuumed (thanks Roomba!). I did all the dishes. I
shined my sink. I cleaned off
the counters and tables. I cleaned out the
crab tank and put in new gravel. Finally I could breathe. And then I looked in my office.

If I was going to pull out all my yarn and rearrange it, why not take pictures? And if I was going to set up a photo album, why not
a blog? As
Rebecca once pointed out to me, you can create as many blogs on Blogger as you want for free. I know it's not very interesting to anyone else but it gives me a place to "think out loud" about my stash and future projects.
Going through my stash I learned several things.
1) I have a shitload of yarn.
2) Only three items were purchased at full price.
3) Lots and lots of it came to me as gifts or prizes.
4) I need to knit a lot more.
5) I love yarn.