I want to assure all of you that I have been knitting in between embarrassing myself and working. In fact I started a new project yesterday. I know. You're thinking, "Hang on. Didn't Jessica start a new project on Friday?" Well right you are. But I was suddenly gripped by an unstoppable urge to knit something from my handspun yarn. I have a reasonable amount of the horrifically slubby and fuzzy yarn. I am knitting an adaptation of Glampyre's Mini Sweater. I'll knit the body and sleeves as long as I can with the yarn I've got. I did swatch but the spinning is so crazy-uneven that it's kind of hopeless.
The colors are cute though.
And I've knit 7 rows on Ene's Scarf. My handy dandy triangular shawl progress calculator tells me that I've completed 7.7% of my shawl. Yay me.
Lace always looks so impressive on the needles, doesn't it?
Go With the Flow is growing slowly too.
And Martha's back is getting a bit bigger too after suffering a severe ripping.
I altered the shaping on the front and then knit the back as written. Whoops. Rip, rip.
And my biggest news this weekend is this.
One of the mom's at my son's school told me several months ago she had a old spinning wheel in her attic that I could have. She dropped it off yesterday. It looks like another Ashford Traditional but it's been painted poop brown (it's the one in the back). I oiled it a bit and it seems like it will be fine. I need to put new bands on it. I have some in my maintenance kit. It is only missing the peg for the brake band. But what will I do with two matching wheels?