September 21, 2005
What a Difference a Gauge Makes
Now that Martha and her teeny needles and tiny yarn are behind me I needed a new project. I wanted something mindless. I mean really, really mindless. So I reached into my stash and pulled out my enormous sack of Debbie Bliss Cotton Angora in pale blue and cast on the left front of Mia. Yes, I bought the pattern book 17 months ago. And ordered the yarn (which took three months to arrive). And it has sat unloved in my stash for over a year. But right now I needed something that requires no thought. Mia with her total lack of shaping is just the right project. So yesterday afternoon I cast on. One dull parent meeting and the final disk of season one of Lost later I have ten inches of the left front done. Ten! The yarn seemed a little splitty at first but I'm not having any trouble now. The angora does shed like the dickens so there is always a cloud of little fluffy bits floating around in front of me as I work.