A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

October 27, 2005

Build A Bear or Ancient Pattern Meets Stash

I bought the Bobbi Bear pattern over a year ago. I've seen my friends (Hi Jennie! Hi Rose!) crank them out in an endless stream while my pattern gathers dust. While digging around in my stash I found the Dale Ara. This yarn has vexed me for over a year. I bought it at the Weaving Works sale last year. They only had 8 skeins (55 yards per skein). I had no idea what to do with it. I decided to knit--brace yourself--a poncho. But then I realized that I hated ponchos. So half a poncho and 4 skeins of Ara sat in my stash for a very long time. I saw it the other day and the idea came to me to knit a Bobbi Bear with the Ara. The result is a slightly lumpy, very GI Joe looking bear so far.

Talk about your quick knits. It will, no doubt, take me eons to find some stuffing for the poor guy and finish him off. I think I only used two skeins of the Ara. Now what do I do with it?

I also wanted to offer photographic evidence that my Conwy socks are progressing well. It took me two weeks to knit the first sock. I've only worked on the second one for two days and I'm on the heel flap already.