A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

June 25, 2006

Oh My Aching Ass

Eugene, Oregon is really far from Seattle! It was six hours to get there (there was a big traffic snarl leaving Seattle) and a little over five to get back. That's a lot of driving.

The Black Sheep Gathering was great. There were lots of sheep.

Sloppy eater

There was lots of wool.

Corriedale. Yum. Third place ribbon and it's mine! And Terri's. We decided to split the fleece. We handed it to Dawn of Dawn's Custom Carding and will get it back as lovely to spin roving.

Insanely nice Targhee. We didn't get it but we touched it a lot.

There were spinners.

And those are all the photos I took. Oops. There were many purchases too. I'll try to take photos of those as soon as I can.