A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

August 8, 2006

Newest Purlygirl

Wes and the boys stopped at the shop just before closing last night on their way home. I suggested they all join me at the Blue Star to eat dinner all together. Then I could join the Purlygirls in the back room. My younger son immediately nixed it. My older son loved the idea but said he needed to get his knitting first so he could also go to my knitting group. I told him to go home with his dad to get his knitting and then Wes could drop him off to join me. I figured he'd get home, get distracted and that would be that.

Well, I was wrong.

He did a great job. He was polite. He wasn't a huge distraction. He sat and knit, ate his dinner and observed. At one point he turned to me and said, "It's like one person says something then everyone else starts talking." Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes. I shuttled him back to the house when he was done eating and walked back over to enjoy a little kid-free knitting time. I made a lot of progress--which I hope is error-free-- on the Knot & Cable Jacket.

I also turned the heel on one of the Lupine Lace socks when I got home. I have to transfer one to another needle because of how the stitches are distributed. I can't pick up the gusset stitches with both on the same needle.