I had an amazing time at Madrona. I took some incredibly wonderful classes, saw dozens and dozens of inspiring, funny, warm, charming people. I am completely pooped. I have a few photos that I'll try to post tomorrow.
Quick rundown.
Thursday: All day wool combing class. End result: No blood loss and I now own a set of these. That's right, folks, envy me.
Friday: All day fiber blending class. So much fun. Really motivating and inspirational. Jill Laski is a lovely person, a wonderful teacher and has a killer sense of color. I left class with two shopping bags full of carded batts.
Saturday: All day dyeing for socks (but really it could have been dyeing for anything) class with the goddess, Judith Mackenzie McCuin. It has been said many times but I would gladly pay to sit in a room and hear Judith talk on any subject any time. I have left with several unsuccessful dyeing attempts and a few that don't suck. There was also a "bloggers lunch" which included about 2% of the bloggers in attendance. We thought about a banquet room for next year. I suggested it would be smaller and simpler to have a luncheon for the people who don't have blogs.
Sunday: Morning class on Color Progression in Plying with the glorious Judith. Yet another chance to hone my color sense. Lots of fun. Photos later.
Afternoon class on Three Wild Downs with Judith again. We spun buffalo, yak and cashmere. Then Judith threw in baby camel, buffalo/silk and lots more. Photos later.
I made one teensy yarn purchase. After all I had no money left at all after buying the wool combs. I also received a Cotswold lamb fleece from Denise who is attempting to prune her fiber stash.
It's hard to say what I enjoyed most this weekend but making new friends, spending time with old friends and getting to know people much better was a great highlight. And I got to knit while I was doing it. Whee!