Skeins before dyeing
I got one pot of dye simmering on the stove, a lot of yarn soaking, a big plastic bowl to use in the microwave. So far the results, as always, are "eh." Wes took my camera today so I can't show you anything yet. I did realize that I've been pretty tentative about how much dye I use. I've been afraid of getting too dark of a color which is silly because my usual complaint with my finished skeins is that they're too pale. Pour, Jess, pour.
Now that everything is steeping in dye I unpacked my new IngenuiTea pot. I've been looking at this little guy at Adagio Tea for probably two years. I kept hoping I'd find it locally but never did. Then I went to the Adagio site a few days ago and found a sale for the pot, 4 tea samples and a book for $19 with free shipping (don't know if that is still available). Sold! I ordered it Wednesday and checked the delivery tracking this morning only to find that the tea pot had already been delivered. It was sitting on my porch. Cool. I boiled some water and made myself a little pot of Yunnan. The only drawback I've seen with the system is that if you make more tea than can fit in your cup it's hard to see when the cup is full. I managed not to overflow but I came very close. They also let me send friends $5 gift certificates for free. If you want one, just leave a comment (with your first and last name) and I'll send one to you. Or you can email me (address at top right in sidebar).
Edited to add: Yikes! There seem to be some security issues on the Adagio site. I'll stop sending out gift certificates until I hear back from them. Thanks.
Edited again to add: Adagio just contacted me and said they have resolved the problem. Happy tea drinking.