I started a new Dulaan hat for some knitting-I-can-do-without-thinking-or-looking. I worked on my Estonian sock. I'm still crawling through the colorwork portion. Why is following the chart on colorwork so challenging to me when following a chart for lace is simple as pie (Mmm, pie)? I have decided to rip out the edging on Retro Prep the Third but I haven't worked up the energy to actually do it.
I also washed my new fleece last night. After three soakings/washings it still seems a little sticky to me. I tried to comb a little bit last night but it was too damp and didn't go very well. It's very pretty though. I might need to spin this right away.
I was so excited yesterday to know that today I didn't have work, the kids are in school and no one is sick. So why do I feel so listless and aimless today? I can't remember anything I was anxiously waiting to accomplish. Hopefully inspiration will come soon.
Oh, I finally chose my new purse.

Click on the photo for more bag information.
It's simple, inexpensive, the right size and it has a light that comes on when you open it! This bag got returned. It was too kitschy. You couldn't see from the photo but the red part was kind of a pearlized patent leather. It looked like the seats at a 50s diner. And the side gussets were a multi-colored stripe fabric.