Then we headed off to see Zodiac. I'm not a David Fincher fan. I thought Seven was a completely meaningless exercise in vile, sadistic behavior. I left before the ending. Hated it. But the reviews for Zodiac were very good and the cast is chock-full of actors I really enjoy (Mark Ruffalo, Elias Koteas, Donal Logue, Chloe Sevigny, Philip Baker Hall, Brian Cox and more). It is above all else an amazing looking film. The art direction is incredible. It is also a film that, thankfully, does not dwell on the violent and grotesque much to the disappointment of all the teenaged boys in the theater. And unfortunately it is just too long. It drags towards the end.
I did get some time to rip back Poppy's sleeves and start reknitting them with increases.

I've also been working a little on a new project that will be as perpetual and never-ending as the shawl in Like Water for Chocolate.

Why it's a square blanket knit from all my sock yarn leftovers. It's currently about 20" across. I can picture myself 15 years from now with this puppy on a 60" circular still going around and around and around.