I really don't recommend trying to snap photos while driving. But I was all by myself and Deception Pass is really beautiful.

The rest of the shots look like this.

I tried also to get a photo of the Chinese restaurant in the really ornate, fake Dutch house.

I didn't get the windmill in the shot.
Kaye Collins was the lecturer/instructor this year, speaking about camelids.

Our fiber packet had 10 little samples in it, including Guanaco, camel, llama and alpaca. There was also a teeny, weeny piece of Vicuna to touch. Not enough to spin. Apparently it's very difficult to spin.
At events like this all the wheels start to group together. As I looked around my spinning circle the Betty Robertsons looked like they were ready to thrown down with the Louet S-90s.

A woman had a new Louet Victoria wheel with her. That thing is tiny! I thought it was Lendrum-sized but I was wrong.

Please note Dansko clogs for scale.
Tiny. Tiny wheel.

I'm still spinning some hand-painted merino I bought from Heidi Parra in November.
When I got home I snapped a shot of my sock.

Then I ripped it all out.

There are no photos of the haul because I did not buy one single thing. Stunning, I know. But if you could see the stash, you'd understand.
Coming tomorrow: The C Word