I feel like I haven't had a moment of breathing time lately. I'm just rushed and running and always behind.
I took a lot of time out for myself this weekend though. I went to an all-day spin-in on Saturday. It was great to spend some time at my wheel. I have nearly finished spinning some merino singles that I started a few months ago. Yesterday I hosted a sewing bee and got loads done on my Blue Star Quilt. You can see all the blocks in my Blue Star Flickr set.I have 19 blocks completed and only need 30 for the quilt. This one is coming along really quickly. I had all my fabric cut and ready to sew which made everything seem very quick and easy.
I am just a few rows away from finishing the first front to my Auburn Camp Shirt! To celebrate I started a new project on big needles.
It the Huggable Hedgehog from Fiber Trends. I promised my son I would make one for him and have been putting it off. How long have I been putting it off? The receipt for the pattern says I bought it on September 30th of 2007! Whoops. Sorry, honey!
I'm off to work then to see the Harlot tonight. Next week Ann and Kay from Mason-Dixon will be in town. What a wonderfully fiber-rich town I live in.