March 6, 2009
Finding Satisfaction in the Little Things
It doesn't look like much but this is the back, both fronts and one sleeve done with the other sleeve started on the Auburn Camp Shirt. I'm seriously stoked and feeling like I might finish this. Soon even.
I went to the gym three times so far this week. I've got some kind of throat crud today so I'm taking a day off. Also a new Trader Joe's is opening today right next to the gym (same parking lot)and I'm sure it will be insane over there. But that also meant that the Trader Joe's by my house was deserted this morning. Last week I couldn't find a parking spot on Friday morning. This week I got the spot closest to the door. The aisles were clear. I strolled and looked at everything instead of darting in, grabbing essentials and fleeing for my life.
Sometimes really small things make a huge difference.
Auburn Camp Shirt