Sorry to be so quiet. My hand is still very sore. I have it in a splint, am resting it as much as I can stand, am icing it and taking anti-inflammitories. I have an appointment to see a hand specialist on Friday. I have not knit a stitch in nearly a week. It makes me sad. The long-draw spinning I did last week was fun but I don't have any other roving and I don't want to waste nicely prepared top with messy long-draw spinning.
So to keep my sanity I've been doing a little stitching.
These are from Jenny Hart's Stitch-it Kit. (Geez, I guess it's discontinued because someone is selling it for $195!! Excuse me, my eyes just fell out of my head. What the hell? Jenny has a new book, Embroidered Effects, which is also great, and her Sublime Stitching Craft Pad is only $5.18 right now.) I love her style. I ironed this image on to a dishcloth back in the summer of '07.
I also pulled out an old needlepoint book I've always loved but never used, Needlework Animals by Elizabeth Bradley which can also be had for a song these days.
N for narwhal. It's just slightly over 6" square. I can stitch--slowly--with one hand. It's diverting and fun but it's not knitting.