A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

July 26, 2010

It Doesn't Look Like Much

I spent several hours yesterday trying to clean and reorganize my office. I, assisted by a 12 year old trying to earn enough money for an iPod Touch, pulled everything out of the office. Every single thing. We took down the curtains to wash, we wiped all the surfaces and the moldings. The floor was vacuumed and mopped. Then I began to reorganize and regroup. Yarns, books, notions, fabrics and little bits of crap that have spread all over the first floor of the house are slowly being culled and sorted. My son also built a shelving unit that I bought months ago to store more fabric. There is still a lot of stuff around the house but I feel like I at least have space for it all again in my office. I will also, for the first time in a few years, have office space in my office. I will be able to sit at my desk and have empty horizontal surface upon which I can work! But I still have several more hours of sorting, storing and recycling to go and it will have to wait until at least tomorrow night. But it's a really good start.


knittinbrit_in_wi said...

Good girl! I'm just jealous you have a yarn/fabric/craft/room/office.

Big Alice said...

I still look at that photo with envy, as yesterday I did a studio reorg this weekend but with the intent to find and finish something, so it now is worse than ever before. Let's just say I'm glad there's a door, but that doesn't help when it spills out into the hallway. ack

Barbara said...

Floor! You can see the floor! Wow. I'm not sure my "office" has a floor anymore. It's probably been absorbed into the overstory and I'm too chicken to go in there and find out. Plus I don't have a tween to pay to help me.

Susan said...

It's good to make progress! I'm trying to redo the whole house, and it is a total disaster right now. I suppose I should tackle one room at a time, but where's the fun in that?