A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

September 26, 2010

OFFF 2010

The Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival was great this year as always.


Tina said...

Awww!!! FUZZIES!!!!

angela said...

cute!!!! Did you pick up any good fibery loot?

Sorry for the gratuitous rhyming ;)

Dorie said...

I thought I spotted you there! Every year I come home with tons of cute critter pics too. And fiber. Gotta love OFFF!!

squid on Ravelry said...

It was so great to see you there.

I had to leave the alpacas REALLY FAST as 2 females were for sale...such haunting, beautiful eyes, and the sweet humming, humming....I ran for my life. Cannot. Have. Alpacas.

And charged up my credit card on Really Great Yarn. Abstract Yarns seemed to be the most popular.

What was your favorite?