I'll admit it. I don't get the whole baby cocoon/pod thing that is so popular these days. It makes me feel old to say but when my kids were babies (only 10-13 years ago) it made sense to us to put babies in clothing and use blankets to keep them warm. This, it seems, is old school now. Nowadays, apparently, you need to knit a
massively bulky tube and
stuff your naked child into it.
But when you combine this already confusing-to-me new trend with a nursing blanket then I'm completely comfuzzled.

Now it looks like you wearing a capelet while either a) have an incredibly deformed left arm, b) have an absurdly saggy left breast or c) you are suckling a python that is digesting a goat.
This one made me burst out laughing. The more I looked at it the more ridiculous it looked!
Can you even imaging getting that contraption on and stuffing a squirming hungry baby inside?
ok that is just too weird.
What on earth... talk about trying too hard to come up with something "new" to knit... it looks like a caterpillar is trying to swallow the woman. And the colours and texture!!! Why???
In defense of the baby pod trend/enterprise, I lurved me some swaddle blankets. My first spent her 3 months in a baby straitjacket (aka Miracle Blanket), the twins were encapsulated in the slightly stretchier Woombies. They were really helpful keeping them calm. The babies are inserted mostly nekkid because (depending on the swaddle blanket) they're covered in layers of fabric to hold their arms and legs still.
I knit a "baby cocoon" a few years ago to use when photographing babies (naked or otherwise)... and OH MY, how they snuggled in and loved that thing... mothers begged to keep it! Babes sure do like to be held, snuggled and surrounded. I love a nice capelet, too, but this marriage isn't quite working for me!
You made me laugh in my cubicle at work. Thanks :)
It seems as though everyone is trying to complicate the whole baby process. Makes me not want to go there, lest I should be looked down upon for using an old blanket to keep my evil spawn warm.
As a mom who knits & nurses in public, I wouldn't use that thing if somebody paid me. Well, maybe once, but it would have to be for loads of kiz-ash.
Hair suit anyone?
I don't get it. Do you keep the baby in the tube the whole time you're wearing it? What happens when the baby goes down for a nap? Do you then have this tube thing dangling until the baby wakes up? Or do you just put this on when you're going to nurse??? Sorry, this is way too complicated for me besides being downright ugly. Thank God my baby is almost 19 years old.
Oh lordie. Is there anyone funnier than you? I hope not because then I would be dead from laughing. One of the commenters didn't help either, putting the thought into my head of wrestling a 19 year old into one of those.
I rarely post on peoples blogs, but this had me laughing so hard I was crying. AND I'm pregnant and don't get the pod thing either. Thanks for laugh.
I found the perfect item to go with this:
You find the best unintentionally hilarious knitting stuff!! Really. This one, is truly a genius Thursday post. Holy crap.
I snorted my coffee into my nose!
Every time I see one of these things I think, is my child going to think he was neglected because I didn't knit him a cocoon? I think he will mostly be grateful.
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