You may have already heard about this prank. While filming Larry Crowne, Tom Hanks organized a prank on co-star and knitting lover, Julia Roberts. Hanks arranged to have the entire crew gathered, knitting for when Roberts arrived.
I heard about this and thought it was cute but it's much funnier to see it for yourself.
I love when she says, "That's all you need in knitting is just a girlfriend to get you started." I also enjoy the varying degrees that people are attempting to actually knit there little swatches.
I have been given* a $25 Fandango Gift Card and a Larry Crowne t-shirt and notebook to give to a reader. So please just leave a comment on this post and check back in one week to see if you're the lucky winner. My commenting does not show me your email so leave me your Ravelry name and I can send you a message if you win. Or just check back here in one week and see if you're the winner. This contest is open to residents of the US and Canada. Good luck!
*I have never done a sponsored giveaway before but I figure we all love a good prank and we all love movies.
July 12, 2011
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Long time lurker, first (?) time commenter. Love the video!
Shlaci from Ravelry
That is the best! Thanks for sharing.
Fieldstone on Ravelry
Very fun!!
That was hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh out loud this morning. Now we know how serious Julia is about her knitting.
Funny how a contest will get lurkers (like me) to comment! Cute video, nice to see she really does knit. Also, love your Thursday posts!
I saw that prank last week and I thought it was fantastic. I wonder how many people started knitting because of it!
cute! She does have an infectious laugh.
StephCat on Ravelry
that was totally hilarious! i don't live far from julia's home town-would love to run into her at an LYS. she must be well liked for them to go to that much trouble.
That is too funny!!! I am MaggieTN on Ravelry.
love that video! what a great prank.
(non-entry comment)
Too funny! I <3 Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks and this video is just too cute.
Denebir on Ravelry
That is hilarious! I love the one tangled up like a kitten ;)
Saraskates on Rav ;)
This is awesome!
katwriter on Rav
Love Julia Roberts laugh when she walked in.
knittingkathy on Rav
This was so cute!
I saw that on another blog, but it was definately worth another look. Her reaction is awesome and so genuine.
Rachel206 on Rav
That's so cool, Jessica! Thank you for sharing!
I loved seeing it- I'd read about it before by not seen it. Thank you!
I would love to see this if I could find a sitter for my newborn. Thanks for the chance to win!
Another lurker pulled out of the woodwork. I loved seeing how smoothly she knit - clearly a devoted knitter!
froggydear on Ravelry
That is so cute, just maybe they will continue
I love pranks and I love knitting, but knitting pranks are the best of all!!!!
tarasana on ravelry
Makes me smile :)
I LOVE it!!!!
Boom-GP on Ravelry
That's fantastic! Her spontaneous, unguarded laugher needs to be recorded and played in offices! I didn't think I could like Julia Roberts more...
That is cute. Given the way he was holding the needles, I think spagetti guy has watched too many cartoons with people 'knitting' in them.
RavID: nephele
would love to see her Rav page (if she had one)
Julia Roberts & Tom Hanks Rock!!! I love that she is prolific enough that her co-workers prank her!
isrbrown on Ravelry
That is adorable! Looks like a fun place to work.
I actually enjoyed that video more than I thought I would. Very cute! Such sincere warmth.
Thanks for posting, and thanks for hosting a giveaway!
Oh, that laugh. :D Like all celebrities, you can hear some nasty stories about Julia Roberts from time to time, but I have to think that anyone who knits can't be all bad.
This also, by the way, makes me love Tom Hanks even more.
Thanks for the giveaway, Jess! (MissAudrey on Rav)
Another lurker and love your blog. This is terrific! My husband built a little cabin in the woods, all by himself,but watching me knit is like watching magic to him. I've tried to explain it to him & he looks just like these guys. Can't wait to show him this.
Lynne from Macedon, NY
I needed a laugh today.
And like Knitika, I liked the video much more than I was expecting.
That wardrobe woman deserves a gift card for some luxury yarn after having to spend 12 hours of casting on what looks to be acrylic.
(stashhaus on Rav)
I heard about this prank but it's definitely funnier to watch!
peatmoss83 on Rav
I'll be residing in Seattle as of August 11th-- does that count?
:) Joan (dba Frenchknit)
That's a great prank. Thanks for the giveaway!
bookie on Ravelry loves the prank. We're a family of pranksters so I appreciate it.
Cute - I hadn't heard of the prank.
What a great prank! I had not heard of it either, thanks for posting the video.
Fujiyamamama on Ravelry
i don't want the prize but that video was HILARIOUS!
I love the "say goodbye to smoking" line. Yep-we knit so we don't kill people guys-and look how happy it makes Julia Roberts.
Great clip.
That's adorable! I love that Tom Hanks is so into it, and her reaction is priceless.
dandelion on Ravelry
Love both Tom and Julia and the video is great.
Love pranks that go right ;) Ravelry: knottyk
That's completely adorable. I love how she picks up Tom Hanks' needles and just starts going on them. And yes, I love her quote about all you need is a girlfriend to get you started. I'm going to teach a visiting professor (a guy!) how to knit in the next couple of weeks -- his wife is at least sort of a knitter so I'm hoping she can keep him going. So much fun. Oh! and I'm MGMills.
Thanks for sharing the the video. I had heard about the prank, but didn't know there was a video of it. I am lyknnits on Ravelry.
Aw, that's adorable! I've never been a huge fan of either Tom Hanks or Julia Roberts, but I have to admit I kinda like 'em both a whole lot after seeing that.
Oh, and I'm Jinxie on ravelry if anyone caress. ;)
Hey Jessica,
As a committed moviegoer, occasionally depicted knitting in the movies, I cannot pass up a chance to win.
I love the way the guy says "skein" near the beginning. Ha!
Very funny! Thank you for sharing it with me.
I love at the end actually seeing Julia knit a few stitches. She knows what she's doing.
Roseanne on Ravelry
I loved Julia's reaction, thanks for posting the video. Sockie on Ravelry
liketheseason on Rav
So funny ! I love both Tom & Julia!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
That is just hillarious!! There is nothing better to break the tension at work than a good prank. If anyone is inspired, it takes 282 balloons to fill a small end cubie. ;o)
What fun, and I'd love to win!
majorasue on Ravelry
Too perfect. Love Julia Roberts, love Tom Hanks, love knitting. What could be better?
I am shortknitz on Ravelry
I'm a lurker, too. Contests will get me out of my shell every time! I loved the prank video, especially the guy who had draped the yarn all over himself.
I'm jchant on Ravelry.
Liked the movie, also!! Stitchnmom
Always forget how hilarious it is to listen to someone try to talk about knitting when they know NOT ONE THING. "He had me go to the store and buy 50 knitting needles...and then she spent 12 hours, um, getting the needles ready." Fifty knitting needles? Can't you imagine the conversation that led to that? So, there's 25 of us, many needles do I need to get?"
Oh, you need to pick me for sure. Just because..... I'm skyhag on Ravelry.
Movies and knitting: a perfect combination.
susanR on Rav.
Now I'm gonna HAVE to see this movie!
Thanks for the giveaway
karitive on Ravelry
Loved the video, thanks!
I saw this, too and loved it.
lkmemphis on ravelry
Hey! She's an English thrower, just like me!
maryjoy (Rav)
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