A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

August 2, 2011

All the Things

I got back from Sock Summit on Sunday night with an ENORMOUS bag of yarn in tow. Yeah, went a little crazy. But now I've got a really busy week ahead of me. I need to get some photos taken of the yarn, my newly finished Knit, Swirl sweater and the new sweater I'm working on. Soon, I hope.


knittinbrit_in_wi said...

Really!!!! That's how you're going to leave us hanging?!!! Is it not bad enough that all weekend I was the color of your favorites shades of cascade and shetland combined with jealously? (Yes, smarty pants, I know you can recitate from memory all of the cascade color numbers).

Florence said...

I'm on pins and needles to see what you came back with!!!