A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

August 4, 2011

Thursdays are for What the Hell is This?

People, I can't even...

I mean, really...

The emphasis the pattern places on certain areas of the model's anatomy.

I...I just...


Florence said...

Ummm....no comment forth coming. My brain is not processing that.

Chantal Boucher said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Can you imagine your boyfriend in that pants? ha ha ha ha!! I'm rolling on the floor!

Gretchen said...

Oh my.

Mel said...

I totally love these! I actually have a soft spot in my heart for extremely loud patterns. I used to have a pair of orange bellbottoms that were made out of a friend's mom's old 1970's orange/yellow curtains. And my blue plaid Calvin Klein pants.... ah, I miss those guys....

Guinifer said...

I think Prince may have worn a pair of those in a concert I saw...

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I am totally threatening my other half with those next time he makes a snide comment about my knitting!

Vicki Knitorious said...

And what's with that shirt? Polyester, no doubt... I think my bro had one of those. It took me a minute to realize I was looking at front and back views... my eyeballs were zigging and zagging.
; )

Debbie T said...

What in the h e double hockey sticks!??!? Those are just...beyond bizarre. I sure hope that guy was paid nicely for having to model those.

Anonymous said...

Um Not in a million years!!!

Prof. Askey said...

those are made of awesome. I totally want my hubby in a pair of those :) Thank you!

Barbara said...

So that's what happened to Granny's afghan. Eek.

Gina said...


pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Oh! My! Whoa!

PICAdrienne said...

Emphasize and yet...I bet that guy has a great set of buns, and they are overwhelmed by the pattern...My oh my, yeah, we will leave it at that.

Elizabeth M. said...

totally Missoni inspired...AWESOME.

Shelly said...

Holy ...! That poor man. I see he wouldn't let them show his face in the photo. Probly a wise decision....

Jennifer said...

The crotchal roadmap thing they have going on is a little disconcerting, but I think these are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for allowing me to spray tea all over my monitor this morning.... Oh, my. You've made my day.
--Lynda in Oregon

NiseyKnits said...

I love them! Hahahhaha! These are awesome and LOUD! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

how about these

Anonymous said...

Just think of how much fun it would be to measure a/your man as you knit those--gotta keep that gauge correct... ;)

Anonymous said...

ROTFPMP! Where did you find that pic? I bet someone at Burning Man would buy those

Gaby said...

Ha ha ha, you're brilliant Kim, finding this awful knits for us!! I can't stop laughing!!