Last week I cast on a plain stockinette, roll-brim hat in some very ancient Shetland DK to knit during a viewing of
Argo.* I cast on 100-something stitches on who-knows-what needle and just knit for a long time. Then decreased for the crown and finished it off. I had Wes try it on and while it technically fit him it was loose, floppy, scratchy and not terribly warm. So Saturday I put it in a lingerie bag and threw it in the wash with a load of jeans and then ran it in the dryer for 20-30 minutes to boot. It emerged fluffy, soft, dense and a good size for an adult. Like me.
I put it on to take a photo but wore it all day. It's lovely. I have a big bag of more of the same yarn. I can make a whole pile of these.
*It was excellent, by the way. Very well done with an authentic feel, loads of tension and some much-needed humor.
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