There's quite a bit of knitting going on here. This heap is a Retro Prep I started back in April. I did a crocheted steek on it. When I was picking up the stitches for the bands I noticed one stitch that looked a little dodgy, like I hadn't quite caught it in the steek. I set it aside to run under the sewing machine. And it sat for weeks. Last week I finished the bands and when I tried it on I felt the collar was too wide and floppy. I set it down. Another week passed. Finally at knitting last night I completed the bind off with enough decreases along the back of the neck that I think it sits right. It needs a bath and a good blocking.
I knit that crumpled hat with some of the leftovers. I still have enough for another hat. That also needs a good blocking.
At the bottom of the pile is my Seamless Hybrid in O-Wool Balance. I completely ripped out the entire sweater back in July then reknit it. I need to machine stitch the steek since there's cotton in the yarn. I'm also teaching a mini class on steeking at the Seattle Knitters Guild next month. So I'm going to stitch it but won't cut it until I show it to my students.
In other sweater ripping news, I started a Rorschach sweater, also by Elizabeth Zimmermann, on a road trip to Oregon. I cast on on Thursday morning and on Sunday afternoon I realized I had reversed my set-up row and had increased stitches on the wrong side of my sweater on the eleventh row. I ripped it back and began again.
This is it before I realized my mistake.
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