For the second time a friend who is a beginner knitter asked me to help her pick up stitches for her Booga Bag and for the second time my friend turned out to be a continental knitter. The first friend learned to pick at a LYS that seems to be on a mission to convert the world to pickers. They teach all their beginners to pick. They offer a class called "Picking for Throwers." I don't really care that much one way or the other. I learned to throw and so that's what's natural to me. My second friend, who I saw today, was just given a very quick first knitting lesson over the holidays by her French mother. She didn't even know there was any other way to knit. Well, we chatted and knit for a while. I fixed yesterday's freakish long middle finger on my glove. I had better luck picking up stitches for the index finger but still have slight holes. I think I can finesse it a bit to be not too terrible. Later while knitting and talking to my husband I knit the index finger to an even freakier length.
Memo to Me: In the future all glove fingers will be knit when alone with a ruler close by.
Tomorrow morning we have a screening for the film series my husband and I direct. I will also post pictures of my Banff progress. I just started the raglan decreases on the back. I will only photograph this sweater in natural light or it resembles grape soda.