A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

February 23, 2004

All Over But the Felting

Elle is complete. The knitting part, that is. I still need to felt, sew and add a zipper. I also still need to find the right thing to use to block the bag.

I made a few more afghan squares to send to Kay.

There's Psycho Square, Icky Checkerboard Intarsia and Embossed Twining Vine Leaf from Vogue Knitting. The leaf square was still damp and the color looks really uneven. The checkerboard is leftover Lamb's Pride Worsted. The leaf square is Cascade 220.

I'm totally bored with the GE cardi. I'm one and a half rows into the back and I'm bored stiff. Honestly, I started it on Thursday! I've decided that I will save it to knit at Stitch 'N Bitch type affairs. I can't keep track of patterns at those things so something that's just plain, boring, tedious, agonizing stockinette will be just fine.

I need to get going on the Pantalong too.

In the languishing pile right now is my second glove. If I could just finish the 1x1 ribbing on the cuff! It is taking forever. Those tiny needles. They mock me. I have also been putting off threading the beads for the second beaded cuff for about two months. I need to string a pattern of three each of eight color beads fifty-three times. Here is a picture of me thinking about it.

I'm trying to put that children's cardi together too. I spent about an hour today picking up stitches for the button band. Then ripping them out because I can't follow instructions. Then picking them up. Then ripping. Oh boy, it was a fun afternoon.