A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

February 26, 2004


I sure sounded like I was in a stinky mood yesterday, huh? I guess I inadvertently borrowed the "Wednesday Whine" from Curls and Purls NYC.

Well, thank you all for the pep talk. Here is what I did. I put bpt aside. Too frustrating right now. I need fun, not torment. I decided to put my glove away until fall. I don't need a pair of wool gloves now. The cherry blossoms are blooming and the crocuses are up. I found a container to block Elle on. I folded the mountain of laundry. I went to Stitch 'N Bitch last night and had a great time. I worked on the GE cardi and managed to stay awake! Today I cleaned the kitchen and ate a healthy lunch. I'm feeling better already.

A friend of mine went to Indiana on a family visit for mid-winter break. She got to go to Threadbear! I am so jealous. It sounds just as cool as I thought it would be. She also brought me this lovely handmade stitch marker.

I do a lot of surfing on other knitter's website and I rarely share what I find.

I love Nanette's site. Her work is so fun, exciting and humbling. Plus she's got the cutest new rabbit. I just want to smoosh that cute face (bunny's not Nanette's)!

Alison is witty and wonderful. I love hearing her little tidbits about life in Taiwan.

To me, Bonne Marie is the grand dame of knitbloggers. She includes informative tutorials, fabulous free patterns and a lot of attitude.