A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

March 30, 2004


Like some sort of atmospheric practical joke, the temperature dropped down 30° since yesterday and it's raining. Yesterday feels like some strange distant dream.

I was making good progress on the Shapely Tank when I just realized I had misread the pattern. There are so many sizes on there. I did the armhole shaping for the one size smaller than mine. I need to rip out eight rows. A loss of an hour of knitting vs. a week of knitting like last time. I can live with it.

Check out Chris's Shapely Tank progress to see one that moving along without any major mishaps.

I got a package from Ram Wools today. It's my Mission Falls wool that I ordered for Rogue. I don't know when I'll start working on it. It's a very complex pattern (for me) and you all can see how much trouble I seem to be having lately following even a very simple pattern. It's a beautiful color--Thyme.

The Goods

The Close-up